Author: Tristan Stewart-Robertson
Data politics: Do web trackers win votes?
Exclusive Tomorrow investigation examines 1,111 trackers used by 162 political parties and candidates around the globe and the role of tech in campaigning.
Patients turn to Google for health answers
Research has found patients are using Google for health answers on injuries and treatments, with searches more than a third higher in summer than winter.
11th cut to athlete funding
Elite athlete funding continues to be cut in real terms in Canada even as new public-private cash is set to flow to potential future stars.
World para swimming championships hit Glasgow
The IPC Swimming World Championships are being held in Glasgow, UK, from July 13 to 19. Athlete in residence Morgan Bird reports on the competition.
The Raccoons: An animated story
Tomorrow looks back three decades to the start of The Raccoons TV series, how it changed lives and how animation has changed even as the passion remains.
Immigration procedure used to block individual rights, says researcher
Do governments use immigration procedure to deny individual rights? Professor Jill Family said only a culture change will deliver fairness to cases.
Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission on residential schools in Canada has implications for Tomorrow as a news organisation, which we endorse.
We the people: UK general election 2015
Politics is about people – but what are the people actually doing outside a political bubble? ‘We the People’ goes in search of news outwith the election.
The unquiet quiet of moments of silence
What do moments of silence mean? Are they too short? Does the length of time rank loss? Are we learning lessons for the future? Listen, read, hush.
Immigration courts – are we blind to justice?
Reporters are not testing immigration courts and tribunals enough, they are showing deference to power, and justice is not being seen to be done.