Author: Tristan Stewart-Robertson
Canadian athletes call for grassroots legacy from Paralympics
Athletes have vowed to push for a legacy of more facilities, access to sport and greater public awareness after the most successful Paralympics in history.
Parliament design: The shape of debate to come
How should our legislative assemblies and parliaments be designed? Is it time to reimagine the spaces for political discourse? Two leading architects think so.
The man who had a C-section
Robert Baldwin was one of Canada’s most important leaders and an architect of “responsible government”. But this “man of courage” also battled severe depression.
Tea for the ladies who lunch
Lunch isn’t just a meal when it’s the foundation of a community across the generations. Keep the tea coming.
Top award nomination for Tomorrow logo
Our logo design, by Tim Fraser Brown, was one of two nomination finalists for a D&AD design prize (graphic design – logos) and published as one of the top icons for 2012. Our congrats and thanks to Tim for his continuing, award-worthy, efforts. Special thanks too to award-winning band Brasstronaut of Vancouver for allowing us […]