Tomorrow is one year old today. We launched with The Lunch Bunch, we’ve told you about one of Canada’s most unique leaders, the debate of the shape of parliamentary chambers, the hopes and challenges of a legacy from the London 2012 Paralympic Games, the 20th anniversary of Canada’s last national referendum, indigenous education and health disparities and the trial of the kosher butcher.
We have worked hard to meet our core principles but still have work to do. Our reporting is based on the freedom of expression (principle 1), were have done so accurately (2), independently and with accountability (3), professionally (4), openly (6), we have observed and engaged (9), educated and entertained (10) and promoted responsible debate and mediation (11). Please get in touch if you have any questions about how we work and the principles that we are built upon.
According to Google Analytics, we had 4534 visits, 3142 unique visitors and 7407 pageviews. On average, people spent 1 minute and 14 seconds on the site, considerably less than the time to read the many longreads, so that number must be taken with a grain of salt. You will notice from the screengrab that there was a lengthy gap when the site was down after we were hacked. It made for a challenging time in our first year.
Not including our blogs, our stories have totalled almost 37,000 exclusive words. Under principle 6 (duty to openness), we must provide information freely. But if you value the work we’re doing and want us to offer even more words, pictures, audio, video, infographics and much more for our second year, please consider a donation. Even $1 or £1 or whatever currency you like will help us gradually build a fund to pay new reporters for important and engaging exclusives.
We will continue to offer important reporting based on our core principles. Thank you for your support throughout Tomorrow’s first year, and we look forward to justifying that support in our second.